
I have the honor of empowering parents in multiple ways. One of my services is to help parents with the process of having their child assessed by their school to determine if they qualify for additional assistance.

Another service I offer is assisting parents whose child may already have an IEP (Individual Education Program) in place, but who would like changes made in the IEP for additional support. My goal is to move parents from feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, to confident and hopeful, by helping them advocate for what the child deserves at school.

As an IEP consultant, I am able to offer over 38 years of experience as a school principal, teacher, and IEP team member. I am also a fellow ADHD parent, and can relate to the rewards and challenges of parenting a child with unique needs. My services include: IEP Advocacy, one-on-one mentoring through the IEP process, and attendance at IEP meetings.

Please contact me to discuss how I can support you.
